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disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:10 pm
by bjhart
I'm looking to upgrade my Li series 2 with a cable operated RS disc brake (inboard) Clearly the easiest option is to go for the one that uses drum brake links, then it will fit straight in and I can upgrade again later with dampers if required, my question is, is there any advantage of the disc brake link set up over the drum links other than damper links probably being easier to find for the disc link version.

Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:49 pm
by Knowledge
Apart from the look of the "correct" disc links, I think you have summarised the matter very well in your initial post.


Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:44 pm
by Adam_Winstone
The disc links allow for a much better interaction with the hub backplate. You should consider that even the drum hub fitted to SI and SII TV175s made an expensive (if you consider that they had to make 2 versions) change to the backplate, corresponding to the incorporation of dampers. You then need to think that there have been a number of cases where the early drum backplate has sheared the link stop off and resulted in the bike locking up the front wheels on the cables (sometimes they give, other times they don't). Without doubt, the additional loading of dampers and a decent motor deserve the more secure fitting offered by the sturdy locking nut/stud of the disc (or early TV175 drum) links. Yes the later drum was beefed-up to stop this from happening, however, better brakes and bigger motors mean that even the beefed-up later drum backplate is on its limits.

If I was fitting a hydraulic disc then I wouldn't even consider the drum type link version as I've had an early backplate shear on a cable drum, as has a fellow clubmate that lives in my county (so 2 examples close to home!).


Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:32 pm
by Knowledge

Good advice, but I read Barry's post as him fitting a copy of the original Innocenti disc brake, which he intends to operate by cable.


Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:49 pm
by Adam_Winstone

You just had me reading the original post again as I suddenly thought that maybe I'd read it wrong!

Phew :)


Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:15 pm
by bjhart
Thanks for the comments I was just thinking cable operated. Is there really a risk of breaking I never heard of one failing, has anyone else..... I'll put my Chrissy pressie on hold then :(

Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:24 pm
by Storkfoot
I can't speak personally but I have seen several posts over the last few years which have been less than complimentary about the quality of the ScootRS discs. The lever mechanism and the pins came in for particular criticism.

Buyer beware.

Personally, over the years I have bought two original discs via Wanted posts on this very forum. Both remain in service, one reverse pull, one hydraulic.

Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:42 am
by bjhart
Thanks again, the mechanism is easily sorted assuming the manufacturer hasn't already addressed the problem but the pins issue is a bit of a worry, do you mean the pins that the disc locates on? Are they cast or do they screw in?

Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:33 am
by Storkfoot
Yes the pins the disc slides on. Pass as to how they fit. I recall the lad who posted about the mechanism had to buy a complete new Scootopia one to solve his problems.

Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:26 pm
by HxPaul
I have a ScooRS inboard disc brake.When I got it all three pins were loose,I had to remove them and clean them up and then loctite them in place.That was almost twelve months since and the brake has been alright since.
P.S The pins are threaded and they screw in.

Re: disc brake upgrade

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:51 pm
by bjhart
thanks everyone comments taken on board, disc link version ordered, so that's my Chrissy pressie ordered.....anyone got any disc links for sale :lol: