LCGB Parts Locator

Looking for that hard to find part?
Want a quote from a number of dealers to get the best price?

Well now you can e-mail all our superdealers* in one go, so there is no need to spend hours on the phone, sending e-mails, internet searching for your requirements. Please use our service to help you locate a particular part from our Superdealers. Please fill in all fields for a response from our dealers.

Your Details:
Your Name:
Your E-Mail Address:

Your Scooter:

Other Details:

Your Requirements.


Dealers who are active in this scheme are as follows:-
Absolutely Scooters - A.F. Rayspeed - Allstyles - Armandos Scooters - Beedspeed - Bedlam Scooters - Cambridge Lambretta - Chiselspeed - ESP Scooters - Innocentis - Ital Scooters - Kegra Racing - Lambretta Cottage Restorations - PM Tuning - Resurrection Scooters - Scooter Emporium - Scooter Restorations - Thanet Area Scooter Services - Totally Scooters - West Street Scooters

The LCGB may also contact a small number of people using this service just to ask you how you got on and if you found the service useful.